Snow, hail, and rain aren’t the only elements that can damage the roof. High winds can cause stress on the roof which can make the system weak and vulnerable to damage.
In this post, your local roofers from Kidd-Luukko Corporation discusses how you can identify wind damage on your roof.
How Does Wind Damage Your Roof?
The edge and corners of the roof are more exposed to high wind pressures while the center usually receives lower pressures. Over time, winds can push up any loose roofing material and the areas surrounding it. This can expose the insulation where moisture can enter the inside of your home.
High winds can also cause debris like glass shards and tree branches to fall off your roof. These can scratch, crack, and puncture the shingles.
When inspecting the roof for damage after a windstorm, always check if something has landed on your roof. You can prevent branches from falling to your roof by keeping trees trimmed. Make sure you address all roof issues early to prevent bigger problems from arising. Your leading roofing contractor, Kidd-Luukko Corporation can help you with your roof repair needs.
How to Inspect the Roof for Damage
Once the weather conditions have improved, go outside and look for damaged and missing shingles. If you have wood shingles, look out for decay, curling, and splitting.
Check the chimneys for loose or torn flashing and damaged bricks or cap. See if the soffits and fascia have decay and stains. Debris can also settle in the gutters and cause clogging which can cause leaks.
Inside your home, inspect the attic for leaks. Yellow, brown or grey stains on the walls and ceilings usually indicate roof damage.
For your safety, it’s recommended that only trained professionals get up on the roof to do inspections. They are trained to check roofs for damage and have the right tools to do so. At Kidd-Luukko Corporation, we specialize in storm damage repair and roof replacement services. Call us at (508) 799-9500 or fill out our online form for a free estimate. We help homeowners in Hartford, CT, Springfield, MA, and Providence, RI.