The duration of roofing warranties varies by company. Most shingle warranties come with a “Lifetime” warranty.
4 Factors That Affect the Price of the Roofing Estimate
Legitimate roofing contractors like us never provide an estimate of the roof repair and replacement costs until we’ve performed a thorough roofing inspection. It’s because certain factors unique to every roof can affect the final price.
How Often Should You Have Roof Inspections?
Roofing contractors recommend you inspect your roof for any signs of damage periodically, but what do they mean by this exactly? Kidd-Luukko Corporation, one of the top roofers in the state, elaborates on how often you should inspect your roof.
7 Important Details That Should Be In a Roofing Contract
Before getting started on your roof repair project, it’s important that you meet with your contractor first to read through the contract before signing it. The contract is what binds you as employer and employee so it’s vital that you clear up any details that may seem confusing. Reviewing a contract may take some time but in the long run, it might just save you from any form of trouble.
Our Selection of Commercial Roofing Systems
Every building has its own unique needs, which is why it’s crucial to invest in the right roofing system. Some excel at resisting heavy impacts, while others provide better energy efficiency. Your choice should not only be based on the cost but on your local climate and the nature of your business, as well.